Fees & CSS

Little Environeers offers both full and half day sessions.

  • Full Day

    Our service is open from 7am-6pm Monday-Friday,which means that families enrolling in the full day session are able to utilise the full 11 hours of care.


    Full day session: $149 regardless of hours used between 7am-6pm

  • Half Day

    Our half day sessions are strictly scheduled from 9.30am-2.30pm Monday-Friday. This convenient time has been allocated to support families who may have to make school pick ups and drop offs. 


    Half day session: $110- Under 3 years old
    Half day session: $99 - Over 3 years old

Childcare Subsidy (CCS)

The Commonwealth Government Child Care Subsidy (CSS) makes accessing high-quality childcare easy and more affordable for families. 

  • To get CCS you must: 

    ✅ Care for a child 13 or younger who’s not attending secondary school, -unless an exemption applies 
    ✅ Use an approved child care service 
    ✅ Be responsible for paying the child care fees 
    ✅ Meet residency and immunisation requirements 

  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS)  is calculated using:

    📲 Your combined family income
    📲 The number of children under five you have in childcare
    📲The level of activity you may be doing; if you are studying or volunteering, this may work in your favour towards your childcare subsidy
    📲 Your childcare provider’s  hourly rate

Families with more than one child aged five or under in care can get a higher subsidy. The higher CCS will be paid to their second child and younger children.

Eligible children will get a 30% higher subsidy up to a maximum of 95%. If you have children born on the same day, such as twins, Services Australia should be contacted to ensure one child is determined as receiving the standard CCS rate with the other, the higher rate

CCS is paid directly to the provider and applied to the families account as a reduction on their fees. Use the link below to find out how much you are entitled to.

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